United States and Canada call off searches for shot down UFO's

    The United States and Canada have both just called off the searches to locate the wreckage's of the three UFO's shot down over North America a week and a half ago. Both countries use multiple different excuses to explain why the searches were called off, with both the United States and Canadian officials saying that weather conditions, like sea ice instability and snowfall, made the search difficult, along with The Royal Canadian Mounted Police calling off the search over in the Yukon stating "the object is not tied to a scenario that justifies extraordinary search efforts", and that as of right now the probability of the object coming up is slim. 

US Military Shoots Down Another UFO over Lake Huron - Arise News 

With a Chinese weather balloon being sighted and shot down about a week before these objects appeared, but unlike the UFO's that were never found, we were able to recover the balloon for further studying and information. One can only wonder why the searches were called off for such advanced and interesting objects that just appeared over the United States and Canada, especially when our country's paranoia has been heightened due to the war between Ukraine and Russia, and with the downed balloon off South Carolina. Why is our government and media not talking more about this? Whether it is over Chinese or possibly Russian origin, or if it is possible it could be extraterrestrial, we as a nation have the right to know what is flying over our airspace, especially in times like these.


  1. Hello! I didn't know about the two countries calling off the searches. It makes you wonder if the media is really intwined with the government as Chomsky suggests.

  2. The idea of aliens existing has always been a challenging discussion to stomach. So the call offs from the US and Canada comes to no surprise to me. Whether they truly know or not, their goal will always be to hide things like this from the public, so if someone thought that these reports were hard to believe, I wouldn't blame them at all. Great post!


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