Train full of toxic chemicals derailed in Ohio

On February 3rd around 9 p.m. ET, a Norfolk southern train derailed near the small town of East Palestine, Ohio, which contained around 5 tankers full of Vinyl Chloride, and 15 other tankers that were full of various other toxic chemicals that leaked into the water and air around this town of 4,800. The train had supposedly been suffering a wheel bearing malfunction, which had begun to overheat and contribute to the overall derailment.

                        A visual guide explaining toxic train derailment in Ohio 

 Water samples collected from a creek that runs throughout East Palestine, Ohio showed supposed low levels of butyl acrylate and ethyl hexyl acrylate. While these contaminates were found in smaller levels, it is still safe to say that no matter what, these chemicals are harmful, as they should not be consumed by anyone, but according to government officials the municipal water is safe to drink as of right now. I feel this is a bad idea however, as to give the go ahead on citizens of East Palestine to drink water that is connected to this crash will only end in many more becoming sick in this small town. As the news of this derailment came, it left just as fast, becoming covered by more talks of Russia denying to sign a nuclear arms peace treaty, possibly launching us into another nuclear arms race. While talks of Russia and nukes are still very important, I can't help but feel disgruntled over the fact that the 4,800 that live in East Palestine are being dealt with on the quieter end, whether because the media doesn't see this as a relevant news story even though many are still dealing with the fallout of the derailment, or possibly Northfolk Southern is maybe trying to keep this quiet, as it was their train that had derailed in Ohio. We won't know until more information comes up, but hopefully this is dealt with in a timely manner, so that the citizens of East Palestine can return to their lives as normal.


  1. Hey Chris,
    Your post does a good job showing that many news broadcast news but they also know which they want to focus on and which they do not want to give much attention, or time to. It is a shame, and it is extremely dangerous for these Palestinians. These types of news should be talks about much more to bring attention to these issues. How does a government risk the health of its people like this? Unacceptable.


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